
How To Create A Winning Financial Strategy – Insights Inspired By NFL Playbooks

September 12, 2024
< 1 min read

A successful financial plan, just like a successful NFL team, needs a greater level of synergy throughout the board from various components. In football, a good deal of planning helps in driving the entire group towards working to achieve their end goal. Your opponent will expose any weak links to make your team pay for it. 

The same rules apply to gameplan financial planning as well. An error in your plan might delay your retirement goals. We can agree that planning is a vital part of both financial planning and football. The best way to draw a closer comparison between them is to break them down by position and personnel grouping. Let’s go!

Master Your Finances With NFL Precision

Quarterback (QB) – Equivalent To The Financial Planner

Do you want to be like the New England Patriots or the Cleveland Browns? In most cases, Super Bowls are not won without a perfect quarterback behind center. Recent exceptions involve the Baltimore Ravens.

Similarly, many people can manage their financial matters on their own. However, these individuals are also the statistical outliers. The majority of people require a good financial planner to make sure that their goals are being achieved and resources are being maximized. With accountability, what looks like a minor task gets put off. Consequently, enough of these tasks add up, and the team (client) struggles to catch up.

An expert NFL financial advisor and a good quarterback planner focus on the details. They hold those around them accountable and make just the right adjustments on the fly. Both of them also effectively communicate with everyone involved.

Wide Receivers (WR) – Equivalent To Growth Stocks

WR (Wide Receivers), such as growth stocks, pick up large bits of yards (dollars) at a time. Wide receivers can have games where they explore for 215 yards and ten catches or other games where they are held in check with only 7 yards and two catches. Purchasing a growth stock like Tesla can be both painful and exciting. In other words, wide receivers and growth stocks both tend to have a volatile persona. Tight End & Fullback (TE) & (FB) – Equivalent To Alternative Investments, Such As Real Estate And Commodities.

If you are a true football fanatic, then you must know Rob Gronkowski. He is the dominant tight end in the NFL. However, many teams outside of the Cowboys, Chiefs, Eagles, and Patriots use the tight end to increase their offensive schemes. As a matter of fact, the tight end is commonly used by offenses to build mismatches near the end zone or when an opponent is weak in coverage at the linebacker spot. REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) play a similar complementary role in an investor’s portfolio.

Offensive Line (OL) – Equivalent To Bonds And Cash (Fixed Income)

Each football fan understands that a great football team is made from the inside out. The offensive line is the stabilizing force, as the offense cannot simply function without the guards, center, and handles all being on the same page. The offensive line is accountable for safeguarding the quarterback from getting dismissed by the defense and opening up running lanes for the backs to pick up hard-fought yards. Without the seasoned players doing their job in the trenches, the offense will fall apart.

Cash instruments and bonds (savings, money market, and CDs) work in a similar protective manner. They are the safety net of your portfolio and a requirement for retirees who need surety and income. The principal investment is usually stable due to features like the sound of creditworthiness of the bond issuer.

Defense – Equivalent To Insurance And Risk Management

All the previous positions mentioned worked side by side on offense to gather points for the team. They also grow the bottom line net worth of an individual. The defense is vital to prevent loss. That is limiting the damage caused by your opponent. No one is that lucky that we go through life without experiencing some loss that resulted from things like water/wind damage to a home, stolen/lost jewelry, an extended hospital stay, premature death, or prolonged disability. Many times, the losses can be so destructive that without proper insurance coverage, you have to wipe out your life savings to cover the damages. While the cost of insurance adds up to your monthly budget, it will save you from having to hit the start-over button with your financial plan. It is similar to how a good defense in football will bend but not break.

Backups – Equivalent To Saving For A Rainy Day

This one is pretty blunt. No team wishes to go to its backups. Similarly, no one wants to experience a dip in their savings when the AC unit needs replacement. However, when you have sufficient savings for emergencies, it saves you from having to borrow money from others.

Special Teams – Equivalent To The Small Details That Add Up

What looks like to be minor details can have a massive impact on the momentum. The same can be said in the world of financial planning about things such as focusing on your household budget, being financially prepared for transitions in life, opting for low-cost index funds, rebalancing your investments, and knowing where to tax-shelter assets. The little things that do not seem like they matter really add up to and accumulate a lot of money with time.

In Summary

And that is how a financial game plan and football strategies are a lot alike. If you understand one, you will get the other one, too.  By embracing these principles, football fans can tailor a dynamic financial foundation that supports both long-term goals and immediate requirements. It is a game where innovative strategies, the right connections, and community support can turn a fledging club into a financial powerhouse. To keep track of your credit score, you can seek help from trusted services, such as Gifted Financial Services.